# Known Issues


ASPATH software is still on early development. Some parts of the software might require manual steps until an automatic or final implementation is done.

Don't be scared

On the good side, most of this issues will only affect at the initial setup until workarounds are applied.

# Lack of CLI

A CLI that allows to configure part of the system is missing. As of 5/13/2021, the following actions might direct database queries:

  • Adding a new route-collector.
  • Configuring route-collector driver (driver column in route_collectors table).

# Missing ASN dataset parser

Direct database queries might be needed in the meantime. Software can be used without autonomous systems loaded into database, but filters by AS organization name will fail.

# Recently fixed:

  • Insecure backend: FastAPI backend does have some methods that can affect to the scheduler. If thinking into doing a public deployment, a proxy should be place to deny calls to insecure API methods. Read-only methods should be safe to allow in a public deployment.
  • API unreachable from frontend: Despite front-end component being internally connected to backend through a Docker virtual network, the final user won't be able to access backend using the docker-configured hostname.


Contributions are welcome 🙌 if you have experience solving some of the mentioned problems please write an issueopen in new window on Github to discuss on implementing a certain solution.